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Petra Bleuel

Associate docent and researcher

PhD in economics


Université Côte d'Azur

IUT Fabron - Département Gestion des entreprises et administrations

Laboratoire GREDEG

- Bâtiment 2 - Campus Azur du CNRS - 250 rue Albert Einstein -

A Bit About Me

Doctor in Economics and Associate Docent at the University of Côte d'Azur, France - IUT Fabron. My research activities focus mainly on topics such as SMEs, Mittelstand-owned companies, Hidden Champions; Industrial and innovation policies dedicated to these companies comparing different economic models.


The field of energy management and the "Energiewende" form recently part of my research themes.

Work Experience

september 2016 - to now

september 2018 - to now

september 2006 - to now

Associate professor in economics and management

University Côte d'Azur, Nice, France

Associate professor in economics

Skema Business School, Sophia Antipolis, France

Associate researcher at GREDG, Sophia Antipolis, France

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